Tests & Assessments
We have produced four assessments for your church to be able to analyse the engagement, health, and development of all the APEST functions and callings. All these tests provide unique diagnostic tools, based squarely on the thought leadership of Alan Hirsch in this area, and are invaluable for leading your church/organization towards increasing maturity and effectiveness.
We suggest that users who are just beginning the journey with APEST start with this test. This will allow users to see how the fivefold is at work in and through you, and your personal expression of APEST.
If you are wanting to deepen your understanding of your APEST awareness & application this test allows a broader and deeper picture. This will allow others to comment and add opinion & texture to the understanding of your APEST profile and leadership.
If leaders want to engage with the organizational functionality of APEST, referred to throughout the book 5Q, then take this test as a team to assess the APEST awareness and application of the team and organization (and supplement with insights from the personal APEST profiles of the various people in the community/team). .
If you have already purchased a 5Q assessment and want access to your results, please check your email and spam folder for instructions with a personalized link over to http://5qtests.com. If you are looking for an APEST assessment, please visit http://www.theforgottenways.org and log in with the username and password you set up on the 5Q Central website when you purchased the evaluation. If you have any trouble, please email admin@apesttest.com.