Coaching Cohort

A bi-weekly coaching cohort to give you practical tools to use APEST within your context.

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Are you ready to bring APEST into the life of your church? Are you stuck on how to move forward beyond giving out the APEST assessment? Our 5Q Coaching Cohort for Church Leaders will help you gain further understanding of the potential application of 5Q, allow you to work together with other church leaders to create a shared learning environment, and give you practical tools to utilize within your church. Our coaches are pastors who are actively applying APEST in their own context.


To see APEST giftings become a strength in your lifestyle and leadership

To see the character and
competency of APEST grow and have vision for the future use in your context.

To see a cohort of individuals share, reflect, and encourage each other in the APEST


To provide a dynamic coaching group that allows participants to learn, reflect, and lead in a
contextualized format

To provide unique, high level, group coaching experience in APEST for best character, growth, and practice


Intentional Coaching

Peer Learning

Contextualized Practice


24-session (Bi-Weekly) coaching process with a cohort of 8-15 pioneering leaders

60-minute online sessions over the course of 12 months

Assignments center on personal reflection, processing, and next steps.

Led by a pastor who is actively applying APEST in a local church.


Attend all online training sessions

Come prepared to actively engage

Complete assigned readings and assignments

Apply reflection-of-self learnings to changes in lifestyle and leadership


Cost: $1000 per person (Or $100/month)

Full Registration $1000($200 Savings)
Register @ $100/month

Starting April 2024

Contact: Lindsey Harwood

Purchase and reserve your spot today!

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