How Does APEST Move Disciples To Fullness In Christ?

As the Founder and Designer, Jesus provides us with the exemplary pattern of behavior against which all other corresponding models, patterns of discipleship, ministry, and leadership in the movement are to emulate. Jesus provides the model of humanity and service by which all disciples are to be evaluated and legitimized. It’s like a spiritual template of sorts—a pattern of behaviors that, once discovered, helps us better understand ourselves and others. And here’s the critical thing in relation to 5Q: Jesus’ person and work are the perfect embodiments of APEST. Conformity to Christ in the Body of Christ must also therefore reflect the fivefold nature of Christ’s ministry, if it is to be authentic ministry!

The Apostle/Prophet Relationship in Successful Small Business Start Ups

Admittedly, I have a tendency to become obsessed with concepts that blow my mind and I quickly drive everyone around me crazy with the sharing of my new found knowledge.

But I am actually not an evangelist, it is actually one of the gifts I need to develop.

But when I find something worthy of good news status I easily muster up the evangelist’s drive to tell everyone about the newest greatest thing. And I find myself with the teacher’s need to read, read, and read some more, so that I can fully grasp the magnitude of that which so happened to alter my understanding of the Universe.

But good news, when we discover it manages to harness the imagination of every Christly endowed gift growing inside of us.

Activating 5Q: Your Free Introduction To The New Resource

You might be an APEST veteran, or you might be completely new to the conversation. Whatever your starting point, we want to start by outlining some of the key concepts, which will help build toward an understanding of 5Q. You might want to keep coming back to some of these concepts, so save this post to Evernote, iNotes or wherever you lock your digital goldmine!

Responding to the Grace of Jesus’ Resurrection

We must be active in all dimensions of human life, especially at the cultural level, because culture is the sphere where people and societies share common meaning. As part of the redemption of all aspects of life we should be actively interpreting movies, literature, pop-culture, experiences, new religious movements, and the like. They can be redeemed and directed to the glory of God. It is precisely these things that have the elements of human searching and yearning in them that must be correlated to the mind and heart of God if they are to be redeemed. This is exactly what Paul was doing in Acts 17 in his speech on Mars Hill. He was highlighting to the Greek philosophers that the search going on in their own writings was a legitimate one. He then directed them to the resurrection of Jesus.

Calling All Apostles, Prophets and Evangelists

Today’s text fascinates as much for what it says as for what it doesn’t say. Were we to look across the spectrum at today’s growing churches we might think the text says something more like the following:

The gifts he gave were that some would be senior ministers, some lead pastors, some associate pastors, some youth ministers, some recreational activities directors, some children’s pastors, some worship leaders and some choir directors, to run the church, keep people coming back, learning the newest worship songs, moving on toward tithing, going on occasional mission trips, learning as much about the Bible as possible, and participating in as many varied church activities, committees and building campaigns as their schedules will permit.

Activate 5Q – Your New Guide Through APEST

In the case that you have not heard, we are excited to announce the release of our new resource, Activating 5Q: User’s Guide. If you are looking for a way to immerse your lead team or small group in 5Q, this is a great place to start. As a companion to the book, Activating 5Q: User’s Guide will move your group forward, help you become more fluid in thinking and seeing in 5Q colors as well as experiencing growth in your APEST gifts.

This week, I want to share my personal experience with the User Guide resources and hopefully encourage you to choose this path as you consider a next step.

Motivation, Passion and Longevity in Church Leadership

We (as in every single follower of Christ) are called to make disciples who make disciples. How we live out that calling is particular and important and how we empower/expect our leaders, colleagues, mentors, and mentees to fully utilize the essential passions and motivations that have drawn us into ministry in the first place is the difference between life giving vibrant ministry and pure grueling sacrifice that is to be endured out of pure duty to the church.

If we believe that God has to give each leader in the church a personal Christ- ordained calling (5Q) on his or her life, but at the same time we do not give them space to fully embody their particular calling in how they live out their leadership, we are immediately  snuffing out the same spark we lit in the first place.

How Does 5Q Make The Body Of Christ Visible?

Today’s post is an excerpt from Alan’s new book, 5Q: Activating the Original Intelligence and Capacity of the Body of Christ, and an exciting look at a new video and exercise from the new 5Q Training. We are so excited to share what’s new with you! In the meantime, before everything is ready for release, enjoy this introduction and stay ready for more! 

The Start Of A New Journey

Fellow Travelers, this week, the 5QCollective is working overtime to share with you new learning modules and online resources. The new material takes what is great about 5Q:  Reactivating The Original Intelligence and Capacity of The Body of Christ and adds a third dimension: activating 5Q training and coaching.  Get ready! 

Today’s post begins with an excerpt from 5Q: Reactivating The Original Intelligence and Capacity of The Body of Christ and wraps up with a preview exercise from the brand new training – Spoiler Alert. Enjoy! 

Recalibrating The Body of Christ Through The Dynamics of APEST

The habits of institution that we have inherited through the European formulas are coded according to a different template than the fivefold one. Christendom churches have generally followed the Bishop-Priest-Deacons model, or the more generic Shepherd-Teacher model (the so-called two  orders of ministry), or the Preacher-Elder model of the Reformed tradition. Most of these, as we have seen, have managed to assiduously script a full APEST typology out of the tradition. The net result is that we don’t know how to even talk about APEST dynamics, let alone implement APEST. We are out of touch with the more instinctive models laced throughout the book of Acts. Here are three levels of work to get them back.