Is The Church Really The Presence Of Christ(mas)?

“The church is empowered “by a certain communion with Christ which allows some measure of his perfected spirituality and destiny to be repeated or re-enacted in our lives.” So much so that we can legitimately say that if Jesus is the incarnation of God, then the church (individually and corporately) must in turn be particular and local incarnations of Jesus. Augustine is ascribed as saying that, “A Christian is: a mind through which Christ thinks, a heart through which Christ loves, a voice through which Christ speaks, and a hand through which Christ helps.” This is as true corporately as it is individually. The miracle is that he actually chooses to abide with/in any particular people.

4 Ways To Recognize The Prophets Among Us

This week, Guest Blogger, Tim Catchim wraps up his look at the Prophetic Ministry looking at four types of prophet, prophetic archetypes, and the roles the perform in the Church.

Tim Catchim: The Prophetic Ministry, pt. 1

What does prophetic ministry look like? This is a really good question, and to be honest, it’s is quite challenging to answer. In my opinion, prophetic ministry is actually the most complex form of ministry within APEST. That being said, I want to suggest four features of prophetic ministry, and then show how those features can come together to form various expressions of prophetic ministry.