Join the foundations cohort!! It will raise your awareness of APEST design and theology and ignite your imagination moving you forward into new territory in your personal journey and leadership with others. Through the weekly webinars you’ll be guided to have the best conversations possible in order to check understanding of key thoughts and concepts and inspire appropriate application for …
Michael Frost
In a time when many writers of so-called biblical models of leadership are merely rehashing insights from the fields of management, marketing, psychology and communications, along comes Alan Hirsch with a fresh new approach drawn directly from Scripture. In this book, he distills his previous thinking into a rich, practical, multidimensional understanding of Paul’s primary paradigm on ministry, leadership, and …
Neil Cole
I believe that there are few topics more important for the renewal of Christ’s people and the subsequent transforming of the world around us than what is addressed here by Alan Hirsch. As is always the case in his writings, Hirsch brings his genius to bear on this essential subject with insight and profound breakthroughs.
Reggie McNeal
Alan Hirsch’s brilliant and probing mind is on full display in this his latest work on understanding the implication APEST, the five-fold ministry of Ephesians 4. In this punchy volume, Alan’s call for the recalibration of the church reaches its full crescendo. The signature theme of APEST provides the symphonic whole to his vision of how Jesus has gifted his …
Tammy Dunahoo
5Q gives the whole church a place to see ourselves in the story of God in a way that invigorates passion and purpose. A must read!
Gregg Nettle
Alan Hirsch continues to be on the leading edge of calling the church back to a genuinely Biblical theology of mission that will lead us into a highly impactful future. Read 5Q! It will challenge you, inspire you and redefine the way you think about, love, and lead the beautiful body of Christ.
Jeff Christopherson
Alan, in his previous works, has called the church to regain her missional authority by returning to its biblical form. In 5Q, Alan bolsters this conviction while simultaneously assisting church leaders to practically implement the APEST idea. Hirsch always seems to have insights that are both sobering and encouraging, and 5Q is no exception to this.
Jimmy Carroll
Alan has taken some of the most complex, yet crucial, topics in the scriptures related to the Church and the mission entrusted to us, and has brilliantly broken down these principles in a way that is easy to understand and apply… A must read for anyone who has been placed in a position of leadership or influence in a church, …