Are You Ready For The New 5Q Coaching?

The 5Q Collective team is getting ready to roll out several exciting, brand new coaching opportunities to help you plant a new 5Q paradigm in the culture you lead and shape.  We are aware that transformation does not merely come through new paradigms and mere information. As we follow Jesus, we fully partake in a dynamic process with him.

As you’re engaged with 5Q (the book) we would like to share with you the opportunity to engage further on a transformative journey that will involve deepening your own discipleship, strengthening your leadership, as well developing the capacities of your church or organization.

7 Ways 5Q Cohorts Can Grow Your Team

Through the non-profit organization I founded, Kyrios Ministries, our international team offers APEST Activation workshops to local churches around Austria.

As a passionate team of Jesus followers, we are internally cultivating the 5Q language, recognizing the calling areas, complimenting each other, feeling the tensions, using 5Q thinking (APEST hats) for decision making, and pursuing areas of synergy. Our goal? Display Jesus in his fullness.

How Can 5Q Help You Build Better Teams?

As leaders we can drift into, or just settle into, prioritizing delivery over development.

We need people. We need team. We need to be a Band of Brothers or a Fellowship of the Ring, not the genius with a thousand helpers.

But how do we produce heroes not helpers? How do we access the gifts & treasure of all, not just have people around us who make us shine? As we consider 5Q, there is some territory to be covered together as we think of team.

Is 5Q The (almost) Silver Bullet Your Church Needs?

Today, we offer you a challenging excerpt from the new book, 5Q: Reactivating The Original Intelligence Of The Body Of Christ. It’s no secret that the Church has some hurdles to conquer in order to become the missional movement that is embedded in its genetic code. In today’s post, Alan addresses this and answers all of us who wonder, “Is there a silver bullet that will just fix everything?”

Read on to find out how 5Q can lead to actual transformation in the 21st Century Church.

Can 5Q Bring Unity To Our Political Divide?

The five-fold ministry described in Ephesians 4:11 as a gift from Jesus to the body of believers was meant to address the very heart-issues we see playing out on the national social stage. All five functions were meant to champion certain aspects of God’s over-arching will for us. They were also meant to challenge a distorted focus on any one function. All functions are equally needed and they exist in state of inherent tension. The inherent tensions were meant to provide a process of checks-and-balances over one another.

5 Great Posts To Kick Start 2018

Happy New Year from the whole 5Q team! We are beyond excited for 2018 and can’t wait to share all the latest news and updates that we’ve been working on, but…we are going to wait just a little longer.

Last year, we had an amazing co-op of writers and thinkers come together and provide some inspiring and paradigm-shifting content. So, before we launch a new year’s worth of Re5Qlutions and new resources, let’s take a look at five great posts from the last year that have pushed the 5Q conversation forward way beyond the blog.

Is The Church Really The Presence Of Christ(mas)?

“The church is empowered “by a certain communion with Christ which allows some measure of his perfected spirituality and destiny to be repeated or re-enacted in our lives.” So much so that we can legitimately say that if Jesus is the incarnation of God, then the church (individually and corporately) must in turn be particular and local incarnations of Jesus. Augustine is ascribed as saying that, “A Christian is: a mind through which Christ thinks, a heart through which Christ loves, a voice through which Christ speaks, and a hand through which Christ helps.” This is as true corporately as it is individually. The miracle is that he actually chooses to abide with/in any particular people.

4 Ways To Recognize The Prophets Among Us

This week, Guest Blogger, Tim Catchim wraps up his look at the Prophetic Ministry looking at four types of prophet, prophetic archetypes, and the roles the perform in the Church.

Tim Catchim: The Prophetic Ministry, pt. 1

What does prophetic ministry look like? This is a really good question, and to be honest, it’s is quite challenging to answer. In my opinion, prophetic ministry is actually the most complex form of ministry within APEST. That being said, I want to suggest four features of prophetic ministry, and then show how those features can come together to form various expressions of prophetic ministry.

The Evangelist: Becoming The Good News

We are not called to introduce people to a truth claim; we are trying to introduce them to Jesus himself.  He is the good news. The good news is incarnated in Jesus.  It is personified in Jesus. The gospel is best communicated in flesh, not just in words.  So Evangelism always begins with our life, our actions, our character, our posture. Can we state propositions about Jesus? Yes of course, but we must physically incarnate Jesus before we verbally instruct people about Jesus.