Today’s post is from one of our favorite authors, Jon Ritner, pastor of Ecclesia Hollywood. In his new article, Jon shares how he is integrating APEST into his year long preaching calendar. If you have been asking the question, “How do I preach this stuff?”, we believe this is going to help you! Bring 5Q to your congregation every week by adjusting the way you think about calendaring the Scriptures to include a three dimensional grid where Sections of Scripture, Major Discipleship Themes and APEST intersect. We look forward to your comments and contributions on this!
Diagramming 5Q as The Language Of Community
Recently, I remembered that circle and decided to design a similar image as a teaching tool. On coffee shop napkins or office whiteboards, I draw this image to represent the five-fold ministry of Jesus and His body. As I draw the diagram this is how I often explain it.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep: How 5Q Can Revitalize Bedtime Prayers
This week, Jon Ritner, Pastor of Ecclesia Hollywood and L.A. Forge Trainer, helps us navigate 5Q through some important waters. One common issue with engaging new paradigms is simply how to move beyond the theory and put it into practice. Today, Jon shares with us how he is using 5Q to create an APEST culture in his home.