APEST Approach to Discipleship

In our book on APEST and the apostolic vocation entitled The Permanent Revolution, we discuss the different impulses that run through the various five fold ministries of APEST in Ephesians 4. An additional angle on the fivefold approach that we did not include in the book is how the various APEST ministries tend to approach discipleship. Because the different APEST giftings …

Rediscover Your Genetic Code and Avoid Burnout at the Same Time

By the end of 2003, I was ready to completely give up on the Church. After nearly ten years of youth ministry, worship leading and staff meetings, I’d had it. Maybe you know the feeling. Maybe you are in a rough spot, a dark place, banging your head against the wall wondering why your ministry is so complicated, so difficult, …

Some Working Definitions of APEST

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Some working definitions and distinctions The 5Q Central blog brings together practitioners to share their experience and advice on how to release the full potential of the APEST in your church or organization. The following is an excerpt from 5Q and it explains some of the key terms used throughout.   Preorder your copy, with free shipping, in the US …